
General Body Meeting

All the members having voting right shall constitute the General Body. It shall have the supreme power to enact, amend or repeal the byelaws of the society on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. This Byelaw shall be amended only in the General Body meeting by three fifth majority of the present members.
The General Body shall elect all the members of the Executive Committee except the Joint Secretary. It shall have the power to approve or reject any proposal/recommendation forwarded by the Executive Committee or any other committee being formed for any particular purpose with 2/3rd majority of the members present for the meeting.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the society shall be convened at the date, time, place and subject as may be decided by the Executive Committee every year in the month of September. Student member will be eligible to attend the meeting but will not be eligible to vote or take part in any discussion. The President or in his absence the Vice President of the society in chronological manner will preside over the Annual General Meeting or adjourned General Meeting.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

A clear 14 days prior written notice shall be send to all the members who have a right to vote in their address specified in the register of members specifying the place, date, time and agenda of the annual general meeting. The resolutions of the meeting will not be invalidated to non-service of notice.

Quorum and Frequency of Meeting

Regular meetings of the society shall be held at least twice every year. The quorum shall be 1/4th of the total strength by giving 14 days notice. No quorum is required for holding adjourned meeting after half an hour.

Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting

All general body meetings other than Annual General Meeting or adjourned Annual General Meeting shall be called Extra Ordinary General Meeting. The Executive Committee shall, call an Extra ordinary General Meeting on written requisition of minimum 1/4th of the members having right to vote on the specified subject as may be proposed by the members within 45 days from the date of receipt of requisition. If Executive Committee does not issue notice as aforesaid till the expiry of 30 days from the date of service of the requisition any member requisitioning for the meeting may issue notice to all members informing the time date and place of the meeting. If no such notice is issued by any requisitioning member till the expiry of 75 days from the date of service of the requisition the requisition will be deemed to have become ineffective.

Quorum for Extra Ordinary General Meeting

1/4th of the total members having voting right shall form the quorum in which at least half the members who requisitioned for the meeting shall be present. If there is no quorum for the meeting, the meeting will be deemed cancelled. Only the agenda for the discussion of which the meeting was called shall be discussed in the extra ordinary general meeting.

Meeting of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice every year. At least 15 clear days notice shall be given for the meeting. The president or in his absence the Vice President in the chronological order shall preside over the meeting. 1/3rd members of the Executive Committee shall constitute the quorum. No quorum shall be required for an adjourned meeting. In cases of emergency an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the secretary, by giving at least 24 hours notice to the members. Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend 3 consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee shall cease to be a member of the Executive Committee.

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Dr Siddharth V Nair
Hon. Secretary, CAESOK,

Family Dentists Dental Clinic
Sivabhavan, KNRWA 117,
Valiyasala, Trivandrum - 695036.

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